Fables of the Talmud and the Midrash

Preliminary Study, Selection, and Notes: Manes Kogan
Design and Illustrations: Marcelo Ferder
English Translation: Sandy Berkofsky-Santana


Table of Contents  |  Introduction  |  About Fables, Midrash and Talmud   |  Teacher's Manual
Fable 8: The Lion and the Bird

A lion was devouring his prey when a bone lodged in his throat. He said, “I will give a reward to whoever comes and removes the bone.”

A bird with a long beak came, stuck it in the lion’s mouth, and pulled out the bone.
He then demanded, “Give me my reward.”

The lion replied, “You may go forth and proclaim: I entered the mouth of a lion in peace and came out in peace.”

--Genesis Rabbah 64:10


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