Fables of the Talmud and the Midrash

Preliminary Study, Selection, and Notes: Manes Kogan
Design and Illustrations: Marcelo Ferder
English Translation: Sandy Berkofsky-Santana


Table of Contents  |  Introduction  |  About Fables, Midrash and Talmud   |  Teacher's Manual
Fable 40: The Father and His Son

A man lifted his son onto his shoulders and went out for a walk. When the boy saw something he liked, he said, “Give it to me!” and his father gave it to him. This happened two or three times.

When they met a man, the child, who was still on his father's shoulders, asked, “Do you know where my father is?”

His father replied, “Don’t you know where I am?” He lowered his son down from his shoulders, and a dog came and bit him.

-- Rashi on Exodus 17:8


© Copyright 2025 Editorial Judía for Latin America & Manes Kogan.
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