Fables of the Talmud and the Midrash

Preliminary Study, Selection, and Notes: Manes Kogan
Design and Illustrations: Marcelo Ferder
English Translation: Sandy Berkofsky-Santana


Table of Contents  |  Introduction  |  About Fables, Midrash and Talmud   |  Teacher's Manual
Fable 2: The Blind Man and the Torch

Once, in the dark of night, I saw a blind man walking with a torch in his hand. I asked, “My son, what good is a torch to you?”

He answered, “As long as I have the torch in my hand, people will see me and save me from pits, thorns, and briers.”

-- Babylonian Talmud Megillah 24b


© Copyright 2025 Editorial Judía for Latin America & Manes Kogan.
Total or partial reproduction of this work without written permission of the editors is prohibited.