Fables of the Talmud and the Midrash

Preliminary Study, Selection, and Notes: Manes Kogan
Design and Illustrations: Marcelo Ferder
English Translation: Sandy Berkofsky-Santana


Table of Contents  |  Introduction  |  About Fables, Midrash and Talmud   |  Teacher's Manual
Fable 12: The Lion's Feast

A lion gave a feast for all the animals, both wild and tame. For the occasion he made a tent from the skins of lions, wolves, and other wicked animals. When they had finished eating and drinking, the animals asked, “Who will sing something appropriate for the occasion?”

They all looked at the fox, who said, “Will you say ‘Amen’ to what I am about to say?”

They answered, “Yes, we will.”

The fox raised his eyes to the skins and said, “May what happened to those above happen to those who are below.”

--Esther Rabbah 7:3


© Copyright 2025 Editorial Judía for Latin America & Manes Kogan.
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