Fables of the Talmud and the Midrash

Preliminary Study, Selection, and Notes: Manes Kogan
Design and Illustrations: Marcelo Ferder
English Translation: Sandy Berkofsky-Santana


Table of Contents  |  Introduction  |  About Fables, Midrash and Talmud   |  Teacher's Manual
Fable 1: The Two Watchmen

A king owned a beautiful orchard where some delicious fruit was ripening. He hired two watchmen to guard it: one was blind and the other was lame.

The lame watchman said, “I see some delicious fruit that has just ripened”; then he climbed onto the blind watchman’s shoulders and picked the fruit, which they both ate.

A little while later the king arrived. “Where is my beautiful fruit?” he asked.

The lame watchman replied, “Do I have feet to walk with?”

The blind watchman said, “Do I have eyes to see with?”

And what did the king do? He had the lame watchman climb onto the blind watch man’s shoulders and judged them both as if they were one man.

-- Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 91a



© Copyright 2025 Editorial Judía for Latin America & Manes Kogan.
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